The great critical illness disclosure debacle

Released on = February 22, 2007, 6:48 am

Press Release Author = Stella Hulott, Speedie PR

Industry = Financial

Press Release Summary = Many people are literally "getting mugged" by providers when
it comes to buying critical illness cover (CIC) says David Thomson, Chief Executive
from insurance specialist website

Press Release Body =
Many people are literally "getting mugged" by providers when it comes to buying
critical illness cover (CIC) says David Thomson, Chief Executive from insurance
specialist website

He says that consumers looking for critical illness insurance are being taken
advantage of by unscrupulous providers who are selling over priced cover that often
offers poor value, and in some cases, no cover at all.

"Some policyholders are literally paying out huge premiums for what amounts to
little more than blank pieces of paper" he adds. The reason, explains David, is all
in the small print.

He says that many insurers use non-disclosure of a past or existing medical
condition - however tenuous the link to a current claim - as a way of keeping their
costs low. David also feels that the serious illnesses the insurance will and won't
actually pay out on are hidden away in the small print, leaving policyholders
believing they have adequate protection when in fact they are financially

Critical illness insurance provides a financial safety net in the form of a tax free
lump sum should the policyholder be diagnosed with a serious illness. Fall ill and
without it, you could literally lose your home. However, around 25% of all critical
illness claims are rejected, mainly because of a supposed lack of disclosure.

However, David feels that this is just an excuse: "Many critical illness insurers
will do anything they can to get out of paying a claim" he fumes.

Scandalous examples of critical illness cover claims being declined by insurers
include a woman whose breast cancer claim was refused (because she had not disclosed
previous back problems) and a man diagnosed with lung cancer (his claim was declined
on the basis that he drank more alcohol than stated on his application).

And it appears that complaints against CIC providers are on the rise. Figures from
the Financial Ombudsman show that they received 799 complaints in relation to
declined critical illness insurance claims for the period April 2005-March 2006, an
11.43% increase on the previous year.

The industry watchdog the Financial Services Authority (FSA) last year undertook a
mystery shopping exercise in relation to CIC which highlighted how companies failed
to draw the customer's attention to the importance of disclosing their full medical
history. These firms did not ensure that customers fully understood what they needed
to disclose and the risks associated with failing to do so.

David says: "Anyone taking out critical illness cover should not only fully disclose
any previous or current medical conditions - how ever irrelevant they may seem - but
they also need to ensure that they read the small print carefully and fully
understand what the cover offers.

"They should at all costs avoid buying their critical illness cover from their
mortgage lender or bank. By using an independent broker they will get unbiased
advice and help through the maze of products available so that they can find the
right cover for their circumstances".


Web Site =

Contact Details =
Contact: David Thomson, Chief Executive, on: 01933 442211,
mobile: 07968 797030, email:

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